Shipping Estimator
Because we use multiple carriers for the various products we sell, it is not feasible to calculate shipping costs in our shopping cart. Using multiple carriers allows us to save money by using carriers best suited to the different products delivered within the delivery area. Since shipping costs can be a major portion of the expense of the item you purchase, we want you to feel comfortable when shopping on QFlooring. To help you estimate the shipping costs for products purchased from our website developed a shipping estimator of costs for several products. Although, the final figure will vary according to the quantity from a little higher to a little lower, this estimator will allow you to roughly gauge the cost of shipping products to your location. Please note that we do not take a mark up on shipping costs rather, we charge the shipping at our cost.
For palletized goods including granite, tile and slate, the costs displayed in the shipping estimator are for freight delivered to a business or commercial address for the sizes ranging 12×12 through 18×18. Shipping companies do offer discounts as the volume increases and so will we. There is typically a $15-$50 additional handling charge to deliver to a residence.
Although, the shipping estimators are provided for your convenience, we are happy to give an exact quote via e-mail. Simply send us an inquiry with Color, Size, Quantity, Delivery Address and Phone number for us to send a written quote which will be valid for 7 days from the date of the reply.
Cities | State | Cost upto 60 sq.ft. |
Mobile | AL | $98.65 |
Little Rock | AR | $98.65 |
Phoenix | AZ | $154.28 |
Tucson | AZ | $154.28 |
Chico | CA | $180.48 |
Los Angeles | CA | $170.70 |
San Francisco | CA | $181.93 |
Denver | CO | $129.56 |
Bridgeport | CT | $98.65 |
Wilmington | DE | $98.65 |
Jacksonville | FL | $137.44 |
Miami | FL | $155.36 |
Orlando | FL | $142.53 |
Atlanta | GA | $98.65 |
Des Moines | IA | $98.65 |
Boise | ID | $173.27 |
Chicago | IL | $88.65 |
Springfield | IL | $88.65 |
Indianapolis | IN | $88.65 |
Garden City | KS | $109.15 |
Wichita | KS | $109.15 |
Frankfort | KY | $88.65 |
New Orleans | LA | $120.44 |
Boston | MA | $98.65 |
Holyoke | MA | $98.65 |
Baltimore | MD | $98.65 |
Augusta | ME | $107.85 |
Alpena | MI | $98.65 |
Detroit | MI | $88.65 |
Grand Rapids | MI | $88.65 |
Minneapolis | MN | $98.65 |
Moorhead | MN | $128.84 |
Kansas City | MO | $98.65 |
Jackson | MS | $98.65 |
Helena | MT | $178.79 |
Charlotte | NC | $98.65 |
Bismarck | ND | $187.50 |
Omaha | NE | $98.65 |
Concord | NH | $98.65 |
Newark | NJ | $98.65 |
Albuquerque | NM | $120.55 |
Las Cruces | NM | $170.24 |
Las Vegas | NV | $156.16 |
Reno | NV | $165.25 |
Buffalo | NY | $98.65 |
New York | NY | $322.46 |
Columbus | OH | $78.65 |
Toledo | OH | $78.65 |
Oklahoma City | OK | $98.65 |
Portland | OR | $184.99 |
Philadelphia | PA | $98.65 |
Pittsburgh | PA | $88.65 |
Providence | RI | $98.65 |
Columbia | SC | $98.65 |
Rapid City | SD | $191.22 |
Nashville | TN | $98.65 |
Amarillio | TX | $114.70 |
Austin | TX | $116.40 |
Dallas | TX | $107.70 |
Cedar City | UT | $173.27 |
Salt Lake City | UT | $145.40 |
Richmond | VA | $98.65 |
Montpelier | VT | $98.65 |
Seattle | WA | $183.63 |
Madison | WI | $98.65 |
Charleston | WV | $88.65 |
Cheyenne | WY | $149.60 |